I will customize training plans and eBooks for your fitness brand


Clients Served: 99

About this gig

Worry less about creating content, and focus on building your fitness business. Here, my team and I produce professional and top-quality training e-books that are ready to be sold.


  • Contains: Introduction to Training Plan, About Us (about your brand), Anatomy Chart, Exercise List, Training Plan itself.
  • Muscle Building (gym/home)
  • Fat Loss (gym/home)
  • Powerlifting
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Bodyweight Only
  • Resistance / Hip Bands Only
  • Weighted Vest Training
  • Mountaineering / Trekking Training
  • etc.


  • Contains: About Us (about your brand), Introduction to Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Supplements, Meal Planning Guide, Portion Approach.
  • We teach you how to find out "how much you need to eat" using a well-researched formula.
  • Here, we don't just give a fixed boring meal plan, we designed this "portion approach" together with a list of foods that you can choose to eat from.
  • We give you its nutritional breakdown so you can mix and match different foods to fit your goals.


Looking to improve your coaching business? We have a team of fitness professionals, creatives, and tech experts.

Drop me a message, we can help you level up your coaching business

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